Jan Kanty Federowicz, Mayor of Krakow

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Piotr Hapanowicz


Jan Kanty Federowicz (1858-1924) was the first mayor of Krakow in reborn Poland and the only one in the interwar period to be born in Krakow. He was a typical representative of the bourgeoisie, in whose circles he was popular. His public activity was characterised by prudence and moderation, caution towards new currents, observance of tradition, and interest in economic matters. As a man and a politician, he avoided extreme measures, and was capable of negotiation and compromise. He did not have what is called ‘political nerve’, nor did he have ambitions to be a party leader; he was far more interested in local government and social activities. For many years, he belonged to a small group of people who managed Krakow, first as a close associate of Mayor Juliusz Leo, then as Deputy Mayor of the city (1916-1918), and then as Mayor (1918-1924). He was well acquainted with the functioning of city self-government. The period in which he held the highest office in Krakow's local government was very difficult. At the time, the local government was faced with a wide and unprecedented range of tasks resulting from the war and from the changes in the political system. The great challenge was to overcome enormous economic difficulties, including supply difficulties.
Federowicz did his best for the city with his diligent work, but he was not the visionary type of administrator like Dietl, Leo or later Kaplicki. Unfortunately, he did not attempt to create a comprehensive programme of city development.
He was the only one of Kraków's administrators in the interwar period to hold a parliamentary seat. Federowicz strove for and defended the city's interests, but he failed to push through the concept of Krakow as the great centre of south-western Poland, as well as to link Upper Silesia administratively and economically with Krakow.
He belonged to Krakow's elite, closely linked to the financial and industrial oligarchy, still representing the old pre-war Krakow from the era of Galician autonomy, known in the interwar period as the ‘old representation’. He was the last mayor of Krakow who still appeared at major ceremonies in the kontusz, cap and carabao.

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How to Cite
Hapanowicz, P. (2025). Jan Kanty Federowicz, Mayor of Krakow. Res Gestae. Historical Journal, 19, 93–137. https://doi.org/10.24917/24504475.19.5