Instytucjonalizacja życia słowackich emigrantów w USA na przykładzie Ligi Słowackiej w Ameryce (1907 - 1918)

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Michał Rozenberg


The article „Institutionalization of the life of Slovak emigrants in the USA on the example of the Slovak League in America (1907 - 1918)“ aims to show the Slovak League in America as an example of the process of institutionalizing the life of Slovak expatriates in the United States. In connection with such a formulated goal, questions arise as to what extent the Slovak League in America can be considered a leading institution among the Slovak diaspora, as well as what activities undertaken by the League testify to this dominant position. The most important events in which the Slovak League in America participated in the period from its inception in 1907 to 1918 are traced, revealing the involvement of League members as well as the problems faced by representatives of the organization.

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How to Cite
Rozenberg, M. (2024). Instytucjonalizacja życia słowackich emigrantów w USA na przykładzie Ligi Słowackiej w Ameryce (1907 - 1918). Res Gestae. Historical Journal, 17, 83–104.