Likwidacja „jaczejki” komunistycznej w 14. Pułku Piechoty Ziemi Kujawskiej we Włocławku w świetle akt Wojskowego Sądu Okręgowego nr VIII w Grudziądzu

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Mariusz Krzysztofiński


In interwar Poland, one of the tasks of the military counterintelligence was to combat communist influence, which was rightly judged as one of the most eminent dangers that threatened the state. The Communist Party of Poland carried out its sabotage through the Central Military Department, which the Polish counterintelligence considered an integral part and tool of the General Staff of the Soviet Army. This article discusses the activity of a communist cell in the 14th Infantry Regiment stationed in Włocławek, as well as the liquidation of that cell as a result of cooperation between the Polish State Police, military counterintelligence and gendarmerie. It also discusses the court proceedings against members of the cell at the Military Regional Court no. 8 in Grudziądz.

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Jak cytować
Krzysztofiński, M. (2020). Likwidacja „jaczejki” komunistycznej w 14. Pułku Piechoty Ziemi Kujawskiej we Włocławku w świetle akt Wojskowego Sądu Okręgowego nr VIII w Grudziądzu. Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne, 11, 237–253.