Z działalności Jana Kruczka ps. „Nurt” (1898–1965), funkcjonariusza przedwojennej Policji Państwowej, szefa Państwowego Korpusu Bezpieczeństwa i Straży Samorządowej w powiecie rzeszowskim, działacza Stronnictwa Narodowego

Main Article Content

Mariusz Krzysztofiński


Article presents life path of Jan Kruczek - during the Second Polish Republic - police officer battling common banditism and actions of communist groups, during the World War II Kriminalpolizei officer and also a co-worker of the Government Delegation to the country, commander of the State Security Corps in the Rzeszów district. After Red Army invaded Rzeszów district, Kruczek was engaged in the structure of the National Party, providing distribution ofthe illegal press and performing intelligence activities. For his exemplary service to the Polish State during the Second Republic of Poland, as well as his underground activities during the German occupation and the Lublin Committee he faced undeserved repressions during Polish People’s Republic. After the fall of communism, Jan Kruczek “Nurt” should be a model tothe current officers protecting the nation’s safety. Undertaking underground activities at the expense of the personal happiness places him in the pantheon of people who for the sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Poland. Based on the acts created by the communist security apparatus, this article brings closer the realities of the functioning of the independence conspiracy in the period of the People’s Republic of Poland, taking into account - so difficult to grasp - personal relations.

Article Details

Jak cytować
Krzysztofiński, M. (2018). Z działalności Jana Kruczka ps. „Nurt” (1898–1965), funkcjonariusza przedwojennej Policji Państwowej, szefa Państwowego Korpusu Bezpieczeństwa i Straży Samorządowej w powiecie rzeszowskim, działacza Stronnictwa Narodowego. Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne, 6, 216–233. Pobrano z https://resgestae.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/4601