Funkcjonowanie Wydziałów Wojskowych KPRP/KPP, KPZU i KPZB. Stan badań, perspektywy badawcze

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Mariusz Krzysztofiński


This article presents the state of research and new research questions concerning the Military Faculties (before 1927 called the Agitation Departments in the Army), which were part of the communist groups that operated in Poland before World War II (KPRP/KPP, KPZU and KPZB). It traces the research on the actions undertaken by the Polish military counterintelligence services involved in combatting these organisations. The research from before and after 1989 presented the destructive activities of communists in the ranks of the Polish Army, which consisted of acts aimed to lower its defence potential by inciting soldiers and preparing them to switch their loyalty to the side of the Soviet Union in the event of an armed conflict. These studies, however, have not been treated seriously.

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Jak cytować
Krzysztofiński, M. (2020). Funkcjonowanie Wydziałów Wojskowych KPRP/KPP, KPZU i KPZB. Stan badań, perspektywy badawcze. Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne, 10, 116–126.