Reviewer's obligations
Support during the editorial process: the Reviewer's opinion is a key element of the editorial process. On its basis, the editors decide to admit the article for publication.
Content evaluation: Reviewers are specialists in the research field to which the reviewed text belongs. They confirm their competence to reliably evaluate the received material with an appropriate statement.
Preparation of an objective review: the received text, not its Author, is the subject of the review. In their opinions, the Reviewers focus solely on the substantive evaluation of the article.
Maintaining professional secrecy: comments on a given text are provided by the Reviewers only to the editorial office. Any exchange of views between the Author and the Reviewer may only take place through the editorial office. At each stage of the editorial process, the double anonymity of the review process is emphasized.
Conflict of interest: if during the review process, at any stage, there is a conflict of interest, the Reviewers are obliged to immediately notify the editors of this fact, and the latter to appoint a new Reviewer.
Confirmation of sources: if, at any stage of the review process, the reviewer suspects that all or part of the work has been plagiarized, he or she is required to notify the editorial office immediately.