The Church from Zakrzów - sacral wooden architecture of the old Zator deanary translocated to Harenda

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Mirosław Płonka


Church of St. Anny was built between 1708 and 1719 as a single-nave, with a narrower and lower presbytery, which was closed on three sides. At present, it is a testimony to the Beskid wooden sacral architecture, despite its current location in Podhale. The temple was erected using the larch tree, ubiquitous in the forests of Zakrzów and Stryszów, in a log construction, embedding the entire building on a stone foundation. Taking into account both the growing interest in wooden construction in the Beskids, e.g. as a result of the establishment of the Beskidzkie Muzeum Rozrozosza, as well as the conservation works undertaken at the church in question, an article was written whose author aimed to broaden the knowledge about the past of the former temple from Zakrzów. In individual paragraphs, the history of the wooden church of St. Anny, its architecture and furnishings, as well as the social understanding of the church, which during the efforts to obtain a separate parish was considered an "ancient parish church", and after the construction of a new one, it stood empty and dilapidated.

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How to Cite
Płonka, M. (2024). The Church from Zakrzów - sacral wooden architecture of the old Zator deanary translocated to Harenda. Res Gestae. Historical Journal, 18, 47–74.