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1. The Editorial Board reserves the right to verify the texts sent before starting the review process.
2. The texts are to be sent to the Editorial Board in a text file (.doc, .docx)

The text is to be formatted following this scheme:

a) Times New Roman font, size 12, in footnotes - size 10,
b) margins 2.5cm,
c) space between line 1.5,
d) justified text (aligned equally along the left and right margin)
e) pages enumerated in the top right corner in Arabic numeration
f) black font
g) spacing between signs - standard, paragraphs - indented 1.25cm

3. The article size should not exceed one publishing sheet (about 40 000 signs with spaces). In case of bigger texts please contact Res.Gestae@up.krakow.pl 

4. The text sent should include:

a) abstract ion English covering a maximum of half the print page;
b) title and keywords in English;
c) current address for correspondence, phone number and e-mail address, as well as author's affiliation.

5. Scientific apparatus.

a) bottom footnotes with continuous numeration are to be used throughout the text .
b) sources and literature used in the article should appear in bottom footnotes in simplified writing, i.e. an initials of the name and full surname of the author, year of publication and page numbers, e.g.:

J. Henning, 2009, p. 155.

c) Latin phrases and abbreviations are to be used in the footnotes: ibidem, op. cit., idem., eadem, e.g.:

E.H. Kantorowicz, 2007, p. 183.
Ibidem, p. 120.
H. Manikowska, 1993.
Eadem, p. 45.

d) the footnotes referring to unpublished archive sources should include the name of the archive, name of the archiving team, signature, page, card, document title, everything in simplified form, e.g.:
National Archive in Krakow, "Okręgowy Urząd Górniczy w Krakowie": sign. 29/300/1; 29/300/5; E/48


1. A list of sources and literature including a full bibliographical description should be included in a separate file.

a) book: name(s) initial(s) and surname of the author, year of publication, page, e.g.:

E.H. Kantorowicz, 2007, Dwa ciała króla. Studium ze średniowiecznej teologii politycznej, Warszawa p. 12.

b) magazine: name(s) initial(s) and surname of the author, year of publication, text title (in italics), magazine title in quotation marks, volume/year in Arabic numbers, number or issue in Arabic numbers (in brackets), page, e.g.:

A. Fijałkowski, 1996, Średniowieczne koronacje królewskie na Węgrzech i w Polsce, "Przegląd Historyczny", 87 (4), p. 713-735.

c) publishing series: name(s) initial(s) and surname of the author, text title in italics, series name and volume number in Arabic numbers (in brackets) without distinction, page, year and place of publication, e.g.:

Henning J., 2009, Revolution or relapce? Technology, agriculture and early medieval archaeology in Germanic Central Europe, [in:] The Langobards before the frankischconque: an ethnographic perspective, ed. G. Ausenda, P. Ddelogu, Ch. Wickham, (Studies in Historical Archaeoethnology, vol. 8), Woodbridge, p. 149-173.

d) texts included in constant publishings characterized as group publishings are to be treated as magazine articles (publishing titles in quotation marks);

e) in case of group works, there needs to be "[in:]" included after the title of the mentioned text in italics, after a comma, in square brackets, then title of the group work in italics, initials of name and full surname of the editor, year of the publishing, pages, e.g.:

R. Michałowski, 1997 Otto III w obliczu ideowego wyzwania: monarchia jako wizerunek Chrystusa, [in:] Człowiek w społeczeństwie średniowiecznym, ed. R. Michałowski, Warszawa, p. 57-72.

f) in bibliography, a translator of a text needs to be included, e.g.:

E.H. Kantorowicz, 2007, Dwa ciała króla. Studium ze średniowiecznej teologii politycznej, translated from English by M. Michalski and A. Krawiec, Warszawa.

g) bibliographical description of an unpublished work: name(s) initial(s) and surname of the author, year, text title in italics, place, page;

h) bibliographical description of a publication posted on the Internet: name(s) initial(s) and surname of the author, text title in italics, website address, date of Internet access;

i) bibliographical descriptions of works published in Slavic alphabets are published in their original (Slavic) writing, while the pace of publication (e.g. Moskwa) and page (p.) are to be given in Polish version;

j) titles and mottos are not to be footnoted. The motto author's name and the title of the work of origin are to be given in brackets directly below the motto without the publishing address. If the title requires explanations and it is really necessary to make a footnote, it is not to be numerated, but instead marked with an asterisk.

Elements of text proper:

a) quotes:
- sources are to be quoted translated, and the original needs to be included in a footnote,
- should be put in quotation marks,
- quotes are to be put within the main text,
- no ellipsis should be put before the quotation,
- omissions in the quote should be marked with an ellipsis in square brackets [...],
- should the need arise to include a missing word, a phrase equivalent etc., they should be put in square brackets,
- in case of a typographic distinction, an author needs to be pointed out, form of distinction: italics,
- in case of nested quotes (quotes in quotes) French quotes are to be used « » for the "lower grade quote",

b) names, surnames and other expressions describing persons:
- original writing of the names and surnames needs to be kept in the language of origin of the people mentioned in the text; using the Polish form of names, surnames, or descriptions of persons is permitted in case of: rulers, saints, Polonized foreigners, or people widely known
- names of people mentioned for the first time in the base text of a footnote are to be given as initials, later on in the text only surnames should be used,

c) abbreviations, dates and other expressions of time, numerals:
- using digits with abbreviations: ths., mln, bln - 2 ths., 5 mln, 10 bln,
- commonly accepted abbreviations can be used in texts: etc., inter allia, consequently in the entire text; if the abbreviations used are unclear, can raise doubts, accepted especially for the sent text, they need to be explained with their first use in the footnote, and if their specification requires special knowledge - in the proper text,
- when using different calendar styles, both dates need to be given,
- dates included in brackets are not to include the r. abbreviation at the end (3 March 1953),
- if the day is not included in the date, the month always needs to be written in words, e.g. in March 1953
- if only century or year is given, both full writing (in 20th century, in the year 1953) and abbreviated writing can be used (in 20th c., in 1953),
- in expressions like "in the second half of the twentieth century" or "in the fifties" no numbers are to be included.

d) Charts and tables:
- charts and tables included in articles should be pasted in the text file in the pace where they should appear in the publication,
- the number and title are to be placed above the chart or table, the source - beneath the table, in simple writing, with the Times New Roman font, size 10,

e) illustrations (only in shades of grey):
- drawings, photographs, photocopies, maps, charts, structural formulas should be delivered in the form of graphic files (min. 300dpi), in the running text there should only be an indication where they are to be placed,
- all illustrations need to include the name of the author, source from where they come, name of the institution which publicised them,
- the illustration description (drawing number, title, source) should be in simple writing, with the Times New Roman font, size 10.

f) distinctions in the text:
- only distinctions for titles brought up in the main text of the publishing, for foreign language expressions, all in italics are to be used in the base text.

Sending texts:
The texts are constantly accepted in electronic version under these addresses:


or after logging in on the magazine website: www.resgestae.up.krakow.pl