Wiosna Ludów w polskich podręcznikach historii.

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Janina Mazur


The problem of the Springtime of the Nations has an extensive coverage in Polish history textbooks. It is included twice in the curriculum; first at the elementary, and then at the secondary school level. The present article raised questions about how the contents related to the Springtime of the Nations are presented in Polish history textbooks, and how those textbooks refer to revolutionary events and the national uprising in Hungary.

The conducted enąuiry enabled the author to observe two methodological approaches to the issue discussed in the analysed  textbook data. According to one of them, the conventional approach, historie events that take place in particular countries are presented in a chronological and comparative way. The second one treats the historical process morę globally and textbook authors view the springtime of the Nations as a kind of process which results from civilisation and cultural changes, and in which events in particular countries are inextricably connected with one another and have far-reaching conseąuences.

Polish history textbooks deal with the Hungarian Springtime in sufficient detail, covering a rangę of topics from the liberal-national opposition in Hungary to 1848-49 events and the participation of Poles with special emphasis on generał Jozef Bem, a hero of both nations.

The article was delivered at the International Conference of History Meth odologists in Hungary (Keszthely, 1998).

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Jak cytować
Mazur, J. (2015). Wiosna Ludów w polskich podręcznikach historii. Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne, 1, 255–258. Pobrano z https://resgestae.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/2599