Dydaktyka historii na Uniwersytecie pedagogicznym (Wyższej Szkole Pedagogicznej, Akademii Pedagogicznej) w Krakowie w okresie przemian edukacyjnych.
Main Article Content
The article has a documentary character. Its author presents various forms of activity of the employees from the departament of History Didactics of the Pedagogical University of Crakow in the period of considerable educational changes that were taking place in the last two decades. Their actions were related to the increasing needs of the teacher's circles (not only in Polsnd) as well as the transformations of the discipline itself. On the basis of a rich factual material, the author of the articte points to the directions of modernization as well as engagment into the transformations of the history education. The article ends with a short reflection on M.A. thesis from field of history didactics and education that were written in the Institute of History in the years 1992-2010.
Article Details
Jak cytować
Mazur, J. (2014). Dydaktyka historii na Uniwersytecie pedagogicznym (Wyższej Szkole Pedagogicznej, Akademii Pedagogicznej) w Krakowie w okresie przemian edukacyjnych. Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne, 15, 175–191. Pobrano z https://resgestae.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/2212