Porucznik Edward Ralski – żołnierska karta w życiorysie wybitnego uczonego

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Marcin Krzek-Lubowiecki


The following article describes the military service of Edward Ralski. He was not only an outstanding scientist and biologist, but also a participant in the struggle for Polish independence in the years 1918-1921. In the interwar period, Ralski continued his military service as a member of the reserve force. In 1939, aft er the outbreak of World War II, he was taken prisoner by the Soviets and murdered by the NKVD in the spring of 1940.

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Jak cytować
Krzek-Lubowiecki, M. (2021). Porucznik Edward Ralski – żołnierska karta w życiorysie wybitnego uczonego. Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne, 12, 155–164. https://doi.org/10.24917/24504475.12.9