Na europejskich frontach wojen Imperium Rosyjskiego w XIX wieku – aspekt militarny w twórczości wybranych rosyjskich malarzy epoki
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The article analyses the military themes present in Russian paintings of the 19th century. The battle paintings under discussion underlined the heroism of the tsarist soldiers who participated in the multiple campaigns that Russia fought on land and at sea. They also glorified the governing elites for expanding the territory of the state. At the same time, the most important message conveyed through the canvases, which were commissioned most often by Russia’s rulers, was the might of the Russian Empire.
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Krokosz, P. (2020). Na europejskich frontach wojen Imperium Rosyjskiego w XIX wieku – aspekt militarny w twórczości wybranych rosyjskich malarzy epoki. Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne, 9, 28–76.