Uwagi do książki Joanny Kosteckiej, Krakowskie komisje boni ordinis. Próby reform miejskich w latach 1750–1789 (Biblioteka Krakowska nr 163), Kraków 2017
Main Article Content
Joanna Kostecka devoted her monograph to the institutions of municipal administration - Krakow’s Boni Ordinis Commissions, conducting its activities in Krakow area in the second half of the 18th century. The Author has undertaken a difficult task of describing themulti - subjected areas: the issues connected with the town administration, numerous issues from the frontier between the history of the law and the system, the history of the economy, historical demographics and many others historical studies. Information was presented in the work largely based on source material and in a factual, comprehensive methodological and highly erudite way. However, there are some factual and methodological errors in the book, including: the lack of source literature from the last decade, inaccuracy related to extreme work dates and chronology, the omission of the judiciary of the Commission in urban matters.
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Jak cytować
Jędrzejewski, P. (2018). Uwagi do książki Joanny Kosteckiej, Krakowskie komisje boni ordinis. Próby reform miejskich w latach 1750–1789 (Biblioteka Krakowska nr 163), Kraków 2017. Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne, 6, 234–245. Pobrano z https://resgestae.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/4602
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