Sociálne a hospodárske väzby medzi bardejovskými mešťanmi a mešťanmi z Malopoľska a Sliezska v prvej polovici 15. storočia

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Mária Fedorčáková


This article describes social and economic relations between the burghers from Bardejov and the burghers from the Polish Kingdom (Lesser Poland) and Silesian towns. The author emphasizes the role of trade routes and frontier position as factors, which influenced the growth and development of the town in the Middle Ages. Connection with towns in Polish-Hungarian borderland created social and economic networks. The author explores different types of relations between burghers of Bardejov and those from Lesser Poland and Silesia, based on the two sources - The register of new burghers and The book of town judiciary (Iuditium bannitum). The most significant role in these relations played the burghers from Cracow. As the author points out, building social networks from the side of Cracow burhers was not accidental, but part of a wider strategy.

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Jak cytować
Fedorčáková, M. (2018). Sociálne a hospodárske väzby medzi bardejovskými mešťanmi a mešťanmi z Malopoľska a Sliezska v prvej polovici 15. storočia. Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne, 6, 69–84. Pobrano z