Ze Lwowa poprzez Włochy, Austrię do odrodzonej Polski – sylwetka i dorobek naukowy O. Romana Fabiana Madury
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The subject of this essay is to present the scientific achievements of Father Roman Fabian Madura and his personality as well. Father Roman Fabian Madura graduaed Black Friar Convent in Lvov (Poland at that time), where he passed his novice, later he studied in Rome and Vienna. Before the WWII, he served as an academic teacher at Lvov and Cracow Convents. The WWII caught up to him at Ternopol where he had been arrested by the Soviet Secret Service, fortunately he survived the prison time and finally he was released. From Tarnopol, via Lvov he reached Cracow. Afterwards he was shied to Tarnobrzeg Convent where he served as Convent Prior. During the WWII at Tarnobrzeg Convent he organized the convent chorus, unfortunately shut down by German occupied authority. One must underline that during the WWII, the Tarnobrzeg’s Black Friars were deeply engaged in the Polish underground education system and in the Convent premises the Polish Homeland Army. After the WWII Father Madura served as the convent prior at Gdańsk, Gidle and Warsaw convents. During the WWII, Father Madura started editorial work for publishing the Black Friars provinces documents which have been archived at the National Library in Warsaw. ese materials were completely destroyed during Warsaw Uprising. His scientific achievements accounted as records published is rather limited, but due to its subject matter they have to be considered as great and valuable. His work enables others researchers to go deep at the history of Black Friars in Poland as he prepared to published the Black Friar provinces documents. Only one volume was published but the remaining ones are still in typescript format and were archived at the Cracow Convent.
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Jak cytować
Szymborski, W. (2018). Ze Lwowa poprzez Włochy, Austrię do odrodzonej Polski – sylwetka i dorobek naukowy O. Romana Fabiana Madury. Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne, 4, 96–121. Pobrano z https://resgestae.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/4056