Poľsko-uhorské kontakty protestantov v 16.–17. storočí

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Annamária Kónyova


Close relationships and contacts between Poland and the Kingdom of Hungary had their roots in the medieval period and they resulted from the geographical neighbourhood and from the necessity of good relationships with the neighbour. These relationships existed in political, economic and cultural sphere. Since the 14th century, Poland, or more precisely Krakow, became the place of the university peregrination of students from Slovakia (the Kingdom of Hungary) as there was no university in our territory at that time. The academic environment became the place of spreading humanistic and later on, reformational ideas, which then got into the Kingdom of Hungary by means of students. ere were a lot of personalities (Ján Henckel, Leonard Cox, Matej Bíró Dévai, Štefan Gálszécsi, Štefan Szegedi Kis, Imrich Ozorai and other), who studied at the Univesity of Krakow, and who spread these ideas aer the return to their native country. The first theological and humanistic works of many reformers were published in the printing house in Krakow. Since the middle of the 16th century, the importance of the University of Krakow declined as the students from the Kingdom of Hungary started studying more at German, Dutch and Swiss universities. However, the contacts of the Protestants did not cease to exist, but they obtained a different character. Since the middle of the 16th century, the radical doctrine of Anti-Trinitarism started to infiltrate from Poland to the Kingdom of Hungary. is new doctrine started spreading to Transylvania first (Juraj Blandrata, František Stancaro), and
then from here into the Kingdom of Hungary. While it became the religion accredited by state in Transylvania, the strong fighting was kept against its propagators in the Kingdom of Hungary. It was propagated by the preacher Lukáš Egri in the territory of present Eastern Slovakia, but he was condemned by the Synod in Košice in 1568. is act caused to stop further spead of Anti-Trinitarism ideas.

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Jak cytować
Kónyova, A. (2018). Poľsko-uhorské kontakty protestantov v 16.–17. storočí. Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne, 4, 83–95. Pobrano z https://resgestae.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/4053