Konastntyn Wielki na soborze w Nicei według relacji Euzebiusza z Cezarei w "Vita Constantini".
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This article presents the influence Constantine the Great had over the proceedings of the Ecumenical Concil of Nicaea in 325, based on the biography composed by Eusebius of Caesarea in his "Life of Constantine". These are the first epiodes of the full text, whichup till now has been translated into Polish, being dealt with me. The assembling of the Nicaae Concil was affected by the ideology of unity - the church and the empore were to be ecumenical, Catholic and united. Constantine was determined to restore peace in the Church and sincerely concerned himself with the re-establishment of religious peace. The emporer did not any side of the conflict and persuaded to reach a compromise at any expense. He did not try to influence formulating the Profession of Faith (the creed) as he was not acquainted with teological matters, however, he did contribute to accepting the formula by the participating bishops. According to Eusebius, Constantine was successful in achieving his aims. Constantine aimed for Christian unity as he found it as basic requirement for a powerful empire. The power was to be given by God - how could he then belive that the quarreling Christians or offending heretics would enjoy the grace of God ? While at the same time, the emperor who did not do his duty in God's way wuuld lack. His support for victories and successful dealing with domestic affairs.sobór w Nicei 325
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Wnętrzak, T. (2015). Konastntyn Wielki na soborze w Nicei według relacji Euzebiusza z Cezarei w "Vita Constantini". Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne, 6, 3–10. Pobrano z https://resgestae.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/2412