Kler neapolitański w 1799 roku wobec kwestii pozyskania ludu dla republiki Partenopejskiej.

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Andrzej Dróżdż


The author of this article investigates the less-known facts of the 1799 Naples revolution, named by its participants a "passive revolution": special emphasis is placed on the population of the internally divided clergy of Naples. The Naples patriots, for most part the illuminated 'galantuomini" representatives of the gentry, clergy, university circles and wealthy townsmen, hoped that they would be able to direct the local people so that would pick up the mottos of the French revolution and liberate themselves from the servility, imposed on them throughout ages, for the sake of realization of the most vital social goals. Among those patriots with republican views there were many priests, monks, and even bishops, who claimed that the republican ideas are in accordance with the teaching of the gospel. In their political estimations the patriots of Naples counted on the favourable attitude and aid of the republican France. It turned out, however, that their calculations were wrong, as the truth the reality was deemed by the figures of occupants and robbers. Organized by cardinal Ruffo, the Army of the Holy Faith overturned the weak Republic of Naples, after which the rule of terror began, evoking great fear everywhere in Europe. At that time, many of the clergy who supported the Republic were guillotined. South Italy was left in mental stagnation which lasted many decade.

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Jak cytować
Dróżdż, A. (2015). Kler neapolitański w 1799 roku wobec kwestii pozyskania ludu dla republiki Partenopejskiej. Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne, 7, 48–75. Pobrano z https://resgestae.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/2347
Biogram autora

Andrzej Dróżdż - Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie