Z badań nad problematyką małych miast w województwie krakowskim w okresie międzywojennym.

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Piotr Trojański


Small towns were a common phenomenon in the interwar Poland. By fulfilling the specific role of links between the industrial city and rural countryside, they added some coulor to the social interactions and stamped their influence  on the economic life of the country.

The area of the Cracow Voivodeship was coverd with a dense network of small towns. In 1918, there were 39 towns (including 32 small towns) within the borders of the Voivodeship. Urbanization process were unequal and rather slow, although in some cases their dynamics was considerable (Zakopane, Dębica). Only a few large urban settlements inn which the member of inhabitatiomns exceeded 30 thousand existed in the analyzed period. Among them were: Cracow, Tarnów, and Nowy Sącz. The number of inhabitations in the majority of the remaining towns dis not exceed 10 thousand and the number of such towns increased systematically.

The article aketches the problem of the existence and development of small towns in the Cracow Voivodeship in the interwar period. Its author presenta the origins of small towns and discusses their character. Then, he analyzies the typs, administrative changes and legal status of small towns that were important from the point of view of economic and social changes in the region. Finally, he draws attension to the phenomena connected with the territorial development of small towns and the influence of this development on social changes.

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Jak cytować
Trojański, P. (2014). Z badań nad problematyką małych miast w województwie krakowskim w okresie międzywojennym. Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne, 14, 342–353. Pobrano z https://resgestae.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/2319
Biogram autora

Piotr Trojański - Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego im. KEN w Krakowie