Aprowizacja mieszkańców Krakowa w latach gospodarki wojennej i powojennej inflacji (1918-1923).

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Iwona Kawalla


After regaining indepedence, situation of the citizens of Cracow was frequently more difficult than during the war. Provisioning problems were caused by the ongoing fights and immense devastation. The authorities did their best to ensure efficient and all-encompassing. Unfortunately, the central government often left Cracow stranded. The mayor constantly asked for ratrions bit incomplete, deficient loads reached Cracow. The city struggled with financial problems and the government refused granting credits. People fought with profiteers who took advantage of market shortages and ran usurious businesses. Pepole were disappointed with a bad policy of the government that could not handle provisioning problems. If is difficult to make an unbiased eveluation when analyzing the issue. The situation was critical. Contrary to the opnion of people, the authorities did everything they could to provision the inhabitants of Cracow. It was manifested by the activites of the City Provisioning compamy as well as of the provisioning Offioce that bought products necessary for the inhabitants. The authorities opened shops for poor and ensured cheap bread and fuel. They also tried to influence the situation in the city by means of legislative procedures. Transportation of commody in short supply was prohibited. According to the inhabitans of Cracow, the hepl was insufficient. Dissatisfaction was manifested by more and more frequent eebellions and strikes. Queues in front of shops were changing into noisy manifestations, riots were taking place. Frequently, their course was dramatic as during the riots in November 1923.

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Jak cytować
Kawalla, I. (2014). Aprowizacja mieszkańców Krakowa w latach gospodarki wojennej i powojennej inflacji (1918-1923). Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne, 14, 267–278. Pobrano z https://resgestae.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/2311
Biogram autora

Iwona Kawalla - Muzeum Historyczne m. Krakowa