Grabież tzw. majątków bezpańskich należących do Żydów w Kielcach i powiecie kieleckim w okresie okupacji .

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Krzysztof Urbański


Agn action extermnating Jews in the General Government was carried out by the Third Reich under the code name "Einsatz Reinhardt". At the same time, large-scale confoscation and plunder of properties  belonging to Jews was taking place. It consisted of four sections: displacement, exploiting labour force, usiing the properties, taking  over hidden values and real eststes.

After the Wehrmacht troops entered Kielce on 5th September 1939, state-owned properties were immadiately taken over. In the same fashion Germans took over private proprieties of people who fled the town due to military actions. The properties were managed by Treuhandanstalt that was created by the occupant on 1st November 1939. Intensification of plunders of Jewsh properties can be observed during the creation of a ghetto in Kielce (March 1941) as well as its liquidation (August 1942) when not only real estates but also personal property ere plundered.

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Jak cytować
Urbański, K. (2015). Grabież tzw. majątków bezpańskich należących do Żydów w Kielcach i powiecie kieleckim w okresie okupacji . Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne, 14, 222–228. Pobrano z
Biogram autora

Krzysztof Urbański