Etos ofcerski w warunkach skrajnych na podstawie wybranych postaw ofcerów WP osadzonych w KL Auschwitz.

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Jerzy Dębski


All types of police, preventive, and retaliatory actions towards Poles become a part of the occupational everyday life. In the common historical awareness of Poles, they are embodied by Warsaw street roundups. However, in the occupational reality, they were a part of everyday life, just a loaf of dark bread bought ration coupons after spending long hours in the queue. That is why it is worth reminding that, for exemple in April 1940, before the famous Aktion A-B in Genera Goverment, two large-scale preventive actions took place in the areas incorporated by the Third Reich, namely Regierungsbezirk Kattowitz and Regierungsbezierk Zichenau. They led to imprisonment of a considerable number of the members of the Polish local elites.

Repression activies of Kommandeur der Sicherheistpoliizei und des Sicherheistdienstes fur den Distrikct from the middle of April 1942 become a part of those events. During a repressive action that took place in the late afternoon of 16th April 1942 in the caffe Plastyków at 3 Łobzowska street in Cracow, numerous Cracow artists and other citizens who happened be in the cafe were arrested. Moreover. in the night from the 16/17th April numerous reserve officers as active duty officers and retired officers were arrested. 198 persons from amoug those arrested and incarcerated at the prison ot Montelupich Street were transported to the concentration camp in Auschwitz on the 25th and 26th April 1942. 69 officers were among the people deported in these transports to Auschwitz. On 26th May 1942, 60 of them were executed in front of the Execution Wall in Auschwitz I.

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Jak cytować
Dębski, J. (2014). Etos ofcerski w warunkach skrajnych na podstawie wybranych postaw ofcerów WP osadzonych w KL Auschwitz. Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne, 14, 199–212. Pobrano z
Biogram autora

Jerzy Dębski - Państwowe Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau w Oświęcimiu