Stan i potrzeby badawcze regionu świętokrzyskiego w zakresie historii społeczno-gospodarczej w latach II Rzeczypospolitej.

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Regina Renz


Economy and society of the Świętokrzyski regin constituted and still constitute the subject of research interests of mamy historians, sociologists, ethnographers and geologists. However, until now, there has been no publicatnion that would present the entire history of the region. It is a cosiderrable hinddrance for researchers who deal with the regional issues from the period between the early Middle Ages and the present day.

When it comes to the history of the interwar period, quite well-analysed is information about  the industry, agriculture, craft, trade and history of villages, cites and towns. Although nuerous publications regarding different spheres of economic live in the interwar Kielce region were published. there are still considerable research gaps pertinent to such issues as transportation and communication, money market, forestry and fishery.

When it comes to social history, quite well-analysed are issues pertinent to the working class, bourgeoise, landed gentry, petty bourgeoise and intelligentsia. Until now, the least attention was paid to the issues of social changes of the village and histroy of peasantry. In the research on the internal structure of the community of the Świętokrzyski region, a lot  attention was paid to the national differentiation and the history of Jews in particular. More research should be conducted with regard to the family, feminism and the youth.

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Jak cytować
Renz, R. (2014). Stan i potrzeby badawcze regionu świętokrzyskiego w zakresie historii społeczno-gospodarczej w latach II Rzeczypospolitej. Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne, 14, 165–171. Pobrano z
Biogram autora

Regina Renz - Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu im. Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach