Obraz żydowskiego rzemiosła w Chmielniku w międzywojennej Polsce w pamięci mieszkańców miasta .

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Marek Maciągowski


Already in the cesond half of the 19th century, Chmielnik - located in the pre-war kielce Voivodeship (curreltlt Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship) - was deemed the biggest urban settlement and trade center in the Kielce Governatore. Strong market and the possibility of selling goods caused that craft and smallscale production developed particulary well in Chmielnik. The majority of craftsmen in the town were Jews. The changes that were taking place in the era of capitalism and economic crisis after Word War I had very negative influence on the economic situation of craftsmen. Loss of economic indepedence caused that they were becoming cottage workers, labourers, or wage workers. The  phenomenon affected Polish craftsmen, but even more the  Jewish ones. The view of a poor jewish shoemeker, tailor, or a tradesman become characteristic for the economic life of Chmielnik un the interwar period and was engraved in the collective memory. this article presents a picture of the Jews craft in Chmielnik in the interwar preiod that is engraved in the memory of the Polish inhabitants of the city, over 50 yeaars after the annihilation of the Jews in Chmielnik.

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Jak cytować
Maciągowski, M. (2014). Obraz żydowskiego rzemiosła w Chmielniku w międzywojennej Polsce w pamięci mieszkańców miasta . Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne, 14, 117–126. Pobrano z https://resgestae.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/2280
Biogram autora

Marek Maciągowski - Ośrodek Myśli Patriotycznej i Obywatelskiej w Kielcach