Rola i znaczenie kooperatyzmu w poglądach Edwarda Abramowskiego .
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The article presents the views of Edward Abramowski on cooperativism. Abramowski can be treated as one of the major ideologues of the Polish cooperativism, the father of Polish cooperatives. The article presents the meaning that Abramowski ascribed to cooperatives, how he perceived their roles. By exposing the advantages of associatons and their meaning, Abramowski presented in the context of the role of the state. He believed that associations are the best school of democracy and contribute to changing the social structure in the desired direction. He emphasized thea cooperatives aim at forming particular attitudes among people and leading to changes in the social awareness. the articl also signalizes the impact of Abramowski's idea not only on the cooperative movement also on the leftwing circles in the Second polish Republiccc as well as people's movement.
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Jak cytować
Wic, W. (2013). Rola i znaczenie kooperatyzmu w poglądach Edwarda Abramowskiego . Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne, 14, 46–53. Pobrano z